Saturday, October 18, 2008

Punggol Sapphire!!!

Many people might be wondering what is Punggol Sapphire?? Happy to say, that is our selected 4-room flat... Hehee... Our selection date was on the 28th August with a queue no. of 43 out of 1000 plus over applicants. Woah.. we are so lucky right... Before the selection day, we were very anxious over whether we will be able to get the units we want. For this 4 room bto, there are a total of 4 types of layout available.

Entire Estate Plan

Layout 1

Layout 2
Layout 3
Layout 4

Can you guess which layout we chose??
*Ting ting* Ans: Layout 3
We chose this layout because:
1) We don't like a longish living room from the door's view
2) We like bay window (BW) and balcony (B)
3) And of course the location and the view when we look out of the window
To be continued.....

1 comment:

Pasha said...

Hi, what is the size of layout 3? is it 99sqm?