Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dearest Little Nephews!!!

Hi little nephews ^_^

I have 2 cute little nephews, One is call Ryan (Nickname: Loo BB), coming to 1 year 2 months old, currently he's living at California with his dad & mum, which is my Er Jie. They had moved to US when Ryan was only 2 months old, due to daddy's job. Misses them so much.. Ryan is "known" to be very funny and cute as he's always full of expressions... He can do all kinds of funny actions you can ever think of... Hahaa.. N Er Jie will say, "Xiao Yi (Me) so bad... always laugh at her nephew.. Hahaa... That's me, funny & humorous Xiao Yi!!!

Little Ryan likes fountain..

Another new born nephew is call Isaac (Nickname: Hou BB), (Next time, mine will be named as Ong BB.. Haha.. sounds weird... :P), coming to 6 months old. When he's just born, we feel that he's very shy, and not as active and "pattern" as Loo BB.. (Explain: "pattern" = "funny / alot of expression / pose") But now he getting more and more cute and funny to play with... Why I say that?? Because anybody can carry him and he won't cry or make noise.. Hahaa.. But one problem is... He's very heavy!!! :P He's weighing 9.2 kg when he's around 5 months old... There's once, Me, Jx went outing with Hou BB and Da Jie to Sentosa. I was carrying him for less than 15 mins and I cant take it... Hahaha.. In the end, Jx was the one carrying the "10 kg fragrant rice" the whole day... But who knows he ends up applying Yoko yoko on his shoulders when he reached home... Hahaha...

Isaac sitting on "Uncle Jx's Child Seat, All Mom's trusted Brand..."

I really hope that one day there will be a chance for all of us to go outing together, bringing Ryan & Isaac along... (and hopefully Ong BB is out too.. Hehehe...)

~ Joke of The Day ~
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