Saturday, October 25, 2008

New Sengkang Swimming Pool!!!

We have been planning to go to the new Sengkang Swimming Pool for some time, so a big group of us including Issac (his first time to the swimming pool) went today... Guess what... The new swimming pool is really fantastic... Moreover, the entrance fee is only $2 for adult and $1 for child during weekends... n for Issac is of course absolutely FREE!!!

As usual, Issac is the centre of attraction among us... We pat some water onto his chest to let him test the water temperature first. However, he did not really like it as the water is too cold, and start crying... But after a few tries, he got used to the water temperature and start to play and splash the water with his hands. We also let him swim with support and now he is able to swim "frog style" haha.. Here are some snap shots and a video clip =)
Hou Baby "Frog Style"

"Mommy.. The water is so cold..."

"Jx and Me"

"Isaac with Daddy & Mommy"

"It's not that cold after all, huh? Hehe.."

"Dajie & Me"

"It's funn...."

"Yanling, Isaac & JJ"

"Jx & Cousin Siling"
"Taken before we left the place"

We had a Wonderful day!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Steamboat Buffet @ La Mei Zi !!

On the 12th October, we went to La Mei Zi @ Beach rd to celebrate dad's birthday! hehee Yummy yum yum !!! Ate tons of beef and crab.. the crab claws were amazingly huge.. =p This is also the very first time Hou bb celebrate his ah gong's birthday. Haha it seems like Hou bb was the featured person instead of dad. Just look at him.. how can he not be taken note of..

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Punggol Sapphire!!!

Many people might be wondering what is Punggol Sapphire?? Happy to say, that is our selected 4-room flat... Hehee... Our selection date was on the 28th August with a queue no. of 43 out of 1000 plus over applicants. Woah.. we are so lucky right... Before the selection day, we were very anxious over whether we will be able to get the units we want. For this 4 room bto, there are a total of 4 types of layout available.

Entire Estate Plan

Layout 1

Layout 2
Layout 3
Layout 4

Can you guess which layout we chose??
*Ting ting* Ans: Layout 3
We chose this layout because:
1) We don't like a longish living room from the door's view
2) We like bay window (BW) and balcony (B)
3) And of course the location and the view when we look out of the window
To be continued.....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dearest Little Nephews!!!

Hi little nephews ^_^

I have 2 cute little nephews, One is call Ryan (Nickname: Loo BB), coming to 1 year 2 months old, currently he's living at California with his dad & mum, which is my Er Jie. They had moved to US when Ryan was only 2 months old, due to daddy's job. Misses them so much.. Ryan is "known" to be very funny and cute as he's always full of expressions... He can do all kinds of funny actions you can ever think of... Hahaa.. N Er Jie will say, "Xiao Yi (Me) so bad... always laugh at her nephew.. Hahaa... That's me, funny & humorous Xiao Yi!!!

Little Ryan likes fountain..

Another new born nephew is call Isaac (Nickname: Hou BB), (Next time, mine will be named as Ong BB.. Haha.. sounds weird... :P), coming to 6 months old. When he's just born, we feel that he's very shy, and not as active and "pattern" as Loo BB.. (Explain: "pattern" = "funny / alot of expression / pose") But now he getting more and more cute and funny to play with... Why I say that?? Because anybody can carry him and he won't cry or make noise.. Hahaa.. But one problem is... He's very heavy!!! :P He's weighing 9.2 kg when he's around 5 months old... There's once, Me, Jx went outing with Hou BB and Da Jie to Sentosa. I was carrying him for less than 15 mins and I cant take it... Hahaha.. In the end, Jx was the one carrying the "10 kg fragrant rice" the whole day... But who knows he ends up applying Yoko yoko on his shoulders when he reached home... Hahaha...

Isaac sitting on "Uncle Jx's Child Seat, All Mom's trusted Brand..."

I really hope that one day there will be a chance for all of us to go outing together, bringing Ryan & Isaac along... (and hopefully Ong BB is out too.. Hehehe...)

~ Joke of The Day ~
(Please click to view full picture)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Say Hi to Everyone!!!

This is the first time I'm touching on blog thingy.. Very excited.. :P Firstly, let me explain our title "All About JL". JL stands for J = Jinxiang and L = Liling. Therefore, this little blog will account about all things we came across, share and exprience together.

We have been together for nearly 5 years since Poly 2nd year. This is something I feel happy and proud of.. hehe.. Right now, our next second biggest decision will be planning for ROM thingy, and hopefully by next year.